Do No Harm Coalition Meeting

UCSF Parnassus Nursing Bldg Room N-417

Please see below for the details of our next meeting. Look forward to seeing many of you there - bring a friend!

Monday 1/8/18 5:30-7:30pm @UCSF Parnassus Nursing Bldg Room N-417

This will be an action packed meeting!

- Come learn about the health impacts of TASERs in the wake of the SF police commission's vote to move TASERs forward in the SFPD. We will be joined by La Mesha Irizarry, mother of Idriss Stelley killed by SFPD and a longtime leader in the fight against TASERs in the city.

- We will also hear from a lawyer at Policylink about about the role of the SF Police Officers Association (their union) in hindering efforts for reforms within the SFPD - and what we can do as a community to challenge that!

- Lastly, we will learn about and plan for our presence at the Anti-Police Terror Project's 96 hours of direct action over MLK weekend.