Grand Rounds: Chronic pain & Addiction: The Compassionate Doctor, the Narcissistic Injury, and The Primitive Defense

1633 Mission Street San Francisco

Dr. Anna Lembke is an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University.She will speak on "Chronic pain & Addiction: the compassionate doctor, the narcissistic injury, and the primitive defense."

Dr. Lembke received her undergraduate degree in Humanities from Yale University and her medical degree from Stanford University. She continued on at Stanford to complete a residency in psychiatry. She is currently Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University School of Medicine, where she also serves as Program Director of the Stanford Addiction Medicine Program (SAMP); Chief of the Stanford Dual Diagnosis Clinic; and Chief of the Stanford Addiction Psychiatry Initiative. As a member of the Stanford faculty, Dr. Lembke sees patients, teaches, and does research. Her current work focuses on enhancing addiction services in primary care settings. She is also interested in health services research more broadly, particularly as it pertains to co-occurring mood and substance use disorders.