Webinar: Lessons Learned from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Project


Taking Action to Promote Health Equity Series: Lessons Learned from The California Endowment’s Building Healthy Communities Project

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Tuesday, Sept 18, 2018
10:30 AM to 12 PM Pacific


The promotion of health equity is central to Trust for America’s Health’s (TFAH) work to support optimal health for every person and community.

TFAH designed the series so you can participate in all four Web Forums or any that you want to attend. And when the series is over, they will be available online. Each segment is being planned with substantial time for questions and answers. Furthermore, if the participants identify topics of further interest, TFAH will use that information to plan future Web Forums.

The series will be hosted by J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, TFAH’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and presented through the Dialogue4Health platform. The first Web Forum of the series will analyze the impact of The California Endowment’s unprecedented Building Healthy Communities initiative. This $1 billion, multi-year effort in 14 communities across California has shown what can be achieved with long-term, community-led, place-based campaigns. The panelists will provide a broad overview of the initiative, highlight two community examples, and equip audience members with strategies and tools they can use to advance health equity in their work and communities.

Registration is free and closed captioning is available to all attendees. This event is recommended for anyone working in public health, advocacy, community-based systems, insurers, and local and state health officials.

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Tony Iton, MD, JD, MPH, Senior Vice President for Healthy Communities, The California Endowment
Andrea Manzo, Hub Manager, East Salinas Building Healthy Communities
Sandra Celedon, Executive Director, Fresno Building Healthy Communities


J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE, Executive Vice President and COO, TFAH